Monday, January 5, 2009

I Think Daniel and I Will Stick With Hide & Seek

Recently, a father and son were charged with stealing gravestones from a monument company in suburban Albany, New York. I'm all for bonding experiences which cement the father-son bond, but committing felonies together is something that I'm probably going to pass on.

I have to admit that there's a certain rush and sense of bonding when you join someone in a bit of mischief. Come on, who won't admit that there was a little camaraderie developed in younger and wilder days when you played "ring and run" with your buddies or sat around making prank phone calls (in a pre-Caller ID world)? I'm sure there's a social experiment that vouches for this. I mean, not that I ever did such stupid things, of course.

So maybe Daniel and I aren't completely above an occasional brush with authority. On occassion, Daniel and I will be watching cartoons, I'll see Sarah pull into the driveway and I'll turn to Daniel and say, "Mommy's home! Hurry up and turn off the television or we'll both be in trouble!" at which point Daniel will jump off the couch, run over and turn off the television and jump back on the couch and open a book. Yes, a pair of wild and crazy rebels we are.

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